
Category: Blog Automotive

Cybersecurity: Protecting a cyber-physical remote diganostic communication system against cyberattacks

Article on Cybersecurity

The wireless and remote connection between a diagnostic tester and a fleet of vehicles can be considered a technical masterpiece, but only if new challenges such as closing security gaps are mastered. The article analyzes the components of the cyber-physical system (CPS) for remote diagnostic communication and provides measures to improve the resilience against cyberattacks.

Moving Forward into the Future - Diagnostics in Global Engineering Teams

Diagnostics in Global Engineering Teams

The automoive industry is facing major challenges due to the complexity of electric and autonomous vehicles of the future. As a result, work is taking place on global teams, resulting in turn in massive changes in both engineering and the tool landscape used.

Tracking Down Errors: The Perfect Diagnostic Tool in Vehicle Engineering – Whatever the Application Case

Article in "OEM&Lieferant": Tracking Down Errors - The Perfect Diagnostic Tool in Vehicle Engineering

Vehicle engineering is facing a range of challenges. This is why today manufacturers and their suppliers work together at a global level at which they need to be able to exchange data safely all over the world. The range of vehicles is constantly diversifying while the engineering cycles are becoming ever shorter. Vehicles must be maintained over the entire product life cycle which means that more and more tasks have to be completed in an ever shorter time.

SAVE THE DATE – ELIV Congress 2019

Visit Softing at the ELIV Congress 2019!

Meet us at the international congress for automotive electronics ELIV on October 16-17, 2019 in Bonn, Germany. In the fast-paced automotive market, it is of greater importance than ever before for OEMs and suppliers to have transparency when it comes to quality and reliability in all their often globally distributed process sequences. At ELIV (electronics in vehicles) congress in Bonn, Germany we will show you the support we can provide with our innovative and flexible diagnostic and test solutions.

ECU Quicktest – Identfying and testing errors with documentation with Softing DTS.monaco

Softing DTS.monaco: Identifing and testing errors with documentation

The identification of a test unit as well as the reading out of the error memory are activities which are repeated throughout the product life cycle. Regardless of whether HiL, test bench or vehicle – the versions as well as any error memory entries which might occur must be acquired and documented in every test sequence.


Visit Softing at COMVEC 2019!

Meet Softing Automotive at COMVEC™ on September 9-11, 2019 in Indianapolis, IN, USA. The COMVEC™ Technology Connection is the convening point for the community that develops vehicles and equipment spanning the on-highway, off-highway (agriculture, construction, industrial), ground defense, and mining sectors.

Literature Recommendation: Diagnostic Communication with Road-Vehicles and Non-Road Mobile Machinery

Book Title: Diagnostic Communication with Road-Vehicles and Non-Road Mobile Machinery, Author: Peter Subke, Publisher: SAE International

The book "Diagnostic Communication with Road-Vehicles and Non-Road Mobile Machinery" is all about standardized diagnostic communication between a diagnostic tester and E/E systems of road-vehicles and non-road mobile machinery such as agricultural machines and construction equipment.

Testing and Debugging the establishing of tester ECU communication with Softing DTS.monaco

Softing DTS.monaco Use Case: Testing and Debugging the establishing of tester ECU communication

Regardless of the integration level of software and ECUs, com­munication problems along the OSI communication layers result in specific challenges for diagnostic experts. These problems are critical for the remaining life cycle of the vehicle because, for example, in manufacturing, this behavior can lead to delays in or an entire absence of vehicle programming.

"Tübinger Innovation Days 2019" at Softing Automotive

Die IHK Reutlingen zu Gast bei Softing – Tübinger Innovationstage 2019

On 1 July 2019 one of the twelve "Tübinger Innovation Days 2019" will take place at Softing Automotive in Kirchentellinsfurt, Germany. Exiting lectures on the topic "Communication Standards 5G, Bluetooth 5.1 & Co.", including Alois Widmann, CEO of the Softing subsidiary Globalmatix, with his lecture "5G radio technology for industrial processes and connected vehicles" are waiting for you.
