
Flash Programming

Reliable Updates of ECU Software over the Entire Vehicle Life Cycle

Softing’s flash solutions allow ECUs to be supplied with new software in engineering, manufacturing and after vehicle delivery in the repair shop or directly in the customer vehicle – simply, quickly and efficiently. Over-the-Air updates even make it possible to update vehicles remotely. And the parallel flashing of several vehicles is also possible.

The smart system architecture enables simple adaptation to the changing vehicle architecture: direct ECU access, vehicle programming via a gateway and processing by a diagnostic system in the vehicle always take place via the same components. This makes the successful management of emerging challenges in terms of performance, data sizes, processes and security possible.

Areas of Application


  • Coding ECU functions, parameterizing functions, updating ECU software  
  • Parallel and uniform updating of different test benches 
  • Remote supply of vehicles in the prototype workshop with new software


  • Import of the current software version on the line 
  • Updating in post-production


  • Correction of software errors 
  • Adaptation of software functions 
  • Activation of new functions (providing hardware installed) 


  • Simple fixing of software errors  
  • Fast retrofitting of software functions  
  • Avoidance of costly recalls 
  • Scalable solution architecture for maximum performance and flexibility 
  • Remote flashing as the basis for software over-the-air (SOTA): processes independent of location and time  
  • Powerful security mechanisms for access protection, data and communication 
  • High-quality, robust solutions adapted to the respective application  
  • Easy integration of sequences once developed into further applications

Remote Flash Programming for Maximum Efficiency

The integration of the diagnostic runtime system in the vehicle enables simple remote diagnostics in combination with a Telematic Control Unit (e.g. the xTCU of Softing subsidiary Globalmatix). This opens up new possibilities as early as the engineering stage. A test system, such as an HiL, Labcar or FMU, can thus be supplied with new software directly from the office. The same is true of vehicles in the prototype workshop. And test benches, many of which are now operated in other regions, can also be safely updated from any location. 
After the vehicle is delivered to the end customer, SOTA (software over-the-air) is the magic formula. Critical errors in particular are easy to rectify as soon as the vehicle is in a safe condition and the driver agrees. This is beneficial for all parties if it prevents recalls.

Multiflash – Saving Time Eightfold

Road test, manufacturing preparation, test bench maintenance: It is often the case that several programming tasks have to be taken care of at the same time. With DTS Multiflash, up to eight vehicles can be updated simultaneously in connection with the VIN|ING 2000 as a smart VCI – i.e. with an integrated diagnostic runtime system. It is irrelevant whether these are available at the same location or remotely. It is also possible to process different vehicle types at the same time.

Security – Challenge and Prerequisite for Flash Programming

Security is an integral part of all Softing solutions without important aspects such as performance being sacrificed. A high degree of security can be obtained with suitable access rights, sustainable licensing as well as the use of modern encryption methods on the side of the tester application, the data stored and the communication links. 
Encryption is also the keyword for ODX and OTX data necessary for flash programming. The security level can be increased with additional encryption at protocol level. Furthermore it is necessary for suitable processes and tools to prevent access by unauthorized persons, as well as operating and/or programming errors. This is why our tools make it possible to configure user rights for all kinds of roles, e.g. for the application engineer, the flash programming expert or the head of the repair shop. 

Overview of Flash Solutions

Softing DTS.monaco Flash workspace in the engineering tester Softing DTS.monaco to hedge various software versions, but also to prepare the automated flash sequence for manufacturing and after-sales service
Softing Creating intuitive flash sequences for the repair shop tester Softing TDX.workshop
Softing Creating flash sequences for dedicated application cases
Vehicle Interfaces & Middleware
Softing SDE Smart Diagnostic Engine – runtime system for diagnostic functions, sequences and services over the entire life cycle
VIN|ING 2000 High-performance VCI throughout the entire vehicle life cycle for fast and secure flash programming (prerequisite: runtime system installed on host PC)
VIN|ING 2000 PDX Autonomous programming solution consisting of VIN|ING 2000 with Softing SDE installed on it

Technical Articles


Flyer Flash Solutions by Softing