
Category: Blog Automotive

VISIT US @ Testing Expo USA 2018

Stop by our booth #3048 at the Automotive TESTING EXPO in Novi, Michigan! We will discuss the topic “DIAGNOSTICS 4.0” and new technologies such as Remote-Diagnostics, Cloud-Diagnostics and Telematic Applications.

VIN|ING 2000 – The future starts now!

Softing´s new high end VCI VIN|ING 2000 flexibly masters all future diagnostic challenges! VIN|ING 2000 not only makes it possible to master today‘s stand­ard use cases with WLAN or a USB connection to the computer – it is also perfectly prepared for upcoming remote-diagnostic tasks and stand-­alone operation.

UDS information poster – Order now for free!

UDS (Unified Diagnostic Service) is based on the standards KWP2000 for K-Line and CAN. It was developed with the goal of standardizing different implementations of the predecessor standards and new requirements stemming from further developments in technology and new standards to form one generally valid diagnostic protocol. UDS describes the layer 7 protocol (diagnostic services) but is based on an extended version of the diagnostic protocol of KWP2000 on CAN (ISO 15765-2).

OTX information poster – Order now for free!

Information poster for free | OTX – Open Test sequence eXchange format OTX describes a sequence language for exchanging diagnostic sequences in the ECU life cycle. The actual linguistic scope (core) is tailored to the particular diagnostic application with standardized extensions, but is also easy to extend with proprietary solutions for other applications.

DoIP information poster – Order now for free!

Information poster for free | DoIP – standardized vehicle diagnostics over Ethernet With Diagnostics over IP, diagnostic services introduced over UDS are used over TCP/IP and Ethernet. This enables much higher data rates than with CAN, representing great potential for savings both in terms of time and expenses in the case of complex diagnostic tasks and flash applications.

Softing Automotive – New Structure

With its Automotive units, Softing is a reliable partner offering a wide range of services in the areas of diagnostics, measurement and testing. The company is aiming to structure the Automotive portfolio more clearly, optimize the processes relevant for clients and bundle expertise. To this end Softing has initiated a reorganization process in the Automotive segment which takes effect on August 1, 2018.

Roadshow China 2018

With more than 400 participants from OEMs and Tier1s, Softing Automotive can look back on an exciting Roadshow through China. Focus of discussion was on the challenges and possibilities of Diagnostics 4.0 with the topics Remote and Cloud Diagnostics, Fleet Management, Automotive Ethernet and Diagnostic over IP (DoIP).

Diagnostics 4.0 – Diagnostics in the Driving Seat

Vehicles are increasingly connecting themselves with their environment: with other vehicles, parts of the infrastructure, the cloud. And this is in fact the key to new functions such as autonomous driving. Together with the increasing electrification of vehicles, this is placing even more demands on diagnostics – but at the same time is also presenting completely new opportunities.
