

Robust data communication for automotive

FlexRay was invented at the beginning of this century to be able to implement an appropriate bus system for security-critical applications. It enables deterministic time responses, is designed to be redundant and is based on predecessor systems (e.g. Time Triggered CAN) that have already implemented sub-functions.

FlexRay is used primarily for distributed functions in the premium vehicle sector.

Softing experience

Softing was the first company with its own VCI for the diagnostics of FlexRay ECUs - dependence on gateway ECUs was thus quickly eased. Today, we provide customized solutions for all kinds of diagnostic protocols on FlexRay - currently, OEMs are still predominantly using their own versions.

FlexRay Solutions

Customized implementations of diagnostic protocols with suitable FlexRay hardware (e.g. from samtec).

Further Information


Softing's Training Program

Softing Automotive | Trainings & Seminars

Expertise through Training - Vehicle Diagnostics, ODX, OTX, Softing DTS & user-specific Trainings


External Links

For more information on the standard, please refer to the following sites:

FlexRay - Wikipedia
