
November 2018

Increasing skills with specialist training!

For our customers, we have converted our expertise and long-term experience into a compact, modular range of training programs which is divided into practice-oriented user workshops and in-depth theoretical training seminars.

DIAGNOSTICS 4.0 by Softing – Order free info poster!

Remote-Diagnostics becomes “Diagnostics 4.0“ – With more than 100 ECUs in the vehicle, pressure is increasing to ensure more efficient diagnostics of these ECUs. In parallel to this development, the dependence on ECU functions in many instances today makes reliable statements in diagnostics increasingly difficult – which means that the quality of diagnostics overall must increase. The answer to these challenges are called remote diagnostics and cloud diagnostics.

INTERVIEW – Product Manager Christian Weiner @ IQPC Berlin 2018

Merging environment of on-board and off-board vehicle diagnostics, the role within Functional Safety ISO26262 and current challenges for OEMs and suppliers implementing new remote, connected and secure. Christian Weiner, Product Manager Diagnostics and Remote Services, provides insights in his presentation at the annual IQPC Automotive Diagnostic Conference Berlin 2018.
