
Moving Forward into the Future - Diagnostics in Global Engineering Teams

The automotive industry is facing major challenges due to the complexity of electroninc and autonomous vehicles of the future. As a result, work is taking place in global teams, resulting in turn in massive changes in both engineering and the tool landscape used. The key to successful implemenation is a diagnostic functionality unaffected by the limitations of computers.

Main Topics in the technical article "Moving Forward into the Future "

  • Mega Trends Drive Innovation
  • More than Error Memory
  • Principle of Remote Engineering
  • Softing DTS.monaco: A Sample Tool
  • Mastering Distriobuted Engineering

Read the entire technical article “Moving Forward into the Future” written by Markus Steffelbauer to learn more about the growing complexity of electric and autonomous vehicles of the future. Markus Steffelbauer heads up Product Management and Marketing at Softing Automotive and is a committed member of standardization bodies.

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