
MOST - Media Oriented System Transport

Large Data transmission for infotainment systems

MOST (Media Oriented System Transport) was introduced at the beginning of this century to simplify the integration of infotainment ECUs into the vehicle thanks to its special communication mechanisms and high data rates.

It is used all over the world today and has been successful in all areas apart from the low price segment.

Softing experience

Softing supports OEMs from the very beginning in the integration and testing of MOST ECUs. For this purpose, we have developed special hardware platforms and expert test systems which are tailored to the special transmission requirements of optical fibers.

Customized MOST Solutions

  • Hardware platforms for MOST testing and prototyping
  • Expert Tester for MOST ECUs

Further Information


Softing's Training Program

Softing Automotive | Trainings & Seminars

Expertise through Training - Vehicle Diagnostics, ODX, OTX, Softing DTS & user-specific Trainings


External Links

For more information on the standard, please refer to the following sites:

MOST Bus - Wikipedia
Most Cooperation
