
Tag: communication

Softing SVI is nominated for Product of the Year 2025!

Nominated for Product of the Year 2025! Our new Smart Vehicle Interface (Softing SVI) for vehicle communication in the gigabit range has been nominated for the readers' choice “Product of the Year 2025” by WEKA Fachmedien GmbH (Editorial Department Electronics)! The Smart Vehicle Interface Softing SVI is a high-performance platform for modern ECU communication.

Manage Remote Connections Fast and Easy with Ed & Ted

While the connection to the vehicle was established via a cable, vehicle communication in today's remote scenarios is much more complex. Softing offers a broker solution that allows you to clearly identify numerous communication partners, such as applications and vehicle interfaces, and establish a secure connection throughout the vehicle's lifecycle. Communication partners, access rights and software versions are managed via an intuitive web application, providing maximum flexibility for remote diagnostic and test scenarios.

New Solution Spotlight "Automated ECU Communication Test"

With easy to create automated communication tests, the large number of ECUs and their variants as well as the wide variety of diagnostic services and parameterizations can be conveniently verified. With the Test Case Editor in Softing, the validation of ECUs is created quickly and easily by using an intuitive drag & drop function. It is also possible to visualize the results in XML or HTML format and map the statistics of the test campaigns. In this video you can see how simple it is to create ECU communication tests.

Test the Tester – Regression Testing Made Simple

Test the Tester - Regression Testing Made Simple

The complexity in the E/E architecture continues to increase - and with it the required test effort. This applies both with regard to the validation of functionalities and to ongoing regression tests of the test methods. The latter are of particular importance due to the strong creation of variants of vehicles, both in terms of functionality and via software and hardware variants released over time. Different motorizations, for example, are generated both via different engines and via coding.

Efficient Diagnostic Testing with Simulation

Efficient Diagnostic Testing with Simulation

Testing and diagnosing modern vehicles is becoming increasingly complex. The evaluation of the data recorded during operation plays an important role here, as it forms the basis for diagnosing any errors that may occur. In the article, Softing shows how simulation methods can be used efficiently for the use of this data and the preparation of testing.

Diagnostic Test Meets Simulation

Softing TCS Diagnostic Test Meets Simulation

Softing TCS offers a modern diagnostic simulation consisting of the simulation hardware, a configuration application and an API for integrating the hardware into test automations. The hardware is flexibly tailored to current and future requirements due to the multicore Linux platform used. It has an OBD socket and thus provides a complete diagnostic view of a vehicle. Alternatively, CAN can also be accessed as usual via a D-SUB socket. Simulation files for different ECUs or vehicles are brought to the device via a LAN connection or USB stick.

Testing and Debugging the establishing of tester ECU communication with Softing DTS.monaco

Softing DTS.monaco Use Case: Testing and Debugging the establishing of tester ECU communication

Regardless of the integration level of software and ECUs, com­munication problems along the OSI communication layers result in specific challenges for diagnostic experts. These problems are critical for the remaining life cycle of the vehicle because, for example, in manufacturing, this behavior can lead to delays in or an entire absence of vehicle programming.

Discover our new Product Catalog!

Softing Automotive Product Catalog, No. 6, 2019, Products & Solutions

In our product catalog we provide you with an up-to-date overview of the Softing Automotive range. With our core areas of expertise, diagnostics, measurement and testing, we provide customized solutions for automotive electronics.
