
Efficient Vehicle Simulation with Ed & Ted – Get it Done!

Increasing Efficiency and Minimizing Risk by Simulating ECUs and Vehicles

Simulations are used to increase efficiency throughout the vehicle lifecycle and minimize risks. Softing offers solutions for diagnostic simulation of ECUs and vehicles for process-safe regression testing of testers, facilitated commissioning of test sequences and training of employees. 

Regular software updates provide diagnostic testers with new functionality and must be tested accordingly. For the tester's regression test, all available ECUs and their communication partners must be available completely and in all variants to ensure sufficient test coverage. In practice, however, this is almost impossible, which can lead to considerable delays in the creation of test sequences or even to a complete test failure. The most efficient way to perform the "tester's test" in the required depth is diagnostic simulation.   

And even when creating test sequences along the entire value chain, the counterpart to the test is often missing. However, especially in the test field, one would like to develop the test methodology at an early stage in order to then be able to perform functional tests with the availability of the device under test (DuT). With a simulation, test sequences can already be created and verified during ECU development. The entire communication path, including VCI and peripherals, is simulated.

Ed & Ted give you all important information about ECU and vehicle simulation on our focus page "Vehicle Simulation". 

Smart Diagnostics and Testing with Ed & Ted

In a world where vehicle electronics is constantly evolving, especially via software, engineers and technicians are constantly faced with new challenges. Ed & Ted, two experts in the fields of diagnostics and testing, take on the demanding tasks over the entire vehicle lifecycle.

Join them on their journey through the world of automotive electronics and discover new ways to increase efficiency and quality in development, production and service. 

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