  • Grandstand Sponsoring Softing Automotive

    Our Sponsoring Program

    Softing Automotive Actively Supports Club Sports

Passion, team spirit, ambition and drive – these are the aspects we as a company share with sport. Promoting young and talented sportspeople is very important to us – on the pitch, on the racetrack and in their careers. This is why we, as a company, are proud not only to offer innovative solutions in the field of automotive electronics but also to play an active role in promoting sports and educational institutions.

We at Softing Automotive are absolutely convinced that our commitment in sponsoring is an investment in a better future – both for the young generation and for society as a whole.

Our Sponsoring Program

Panthers Indersdorf 

Softing Automotive has been proud sponsor of the B, E and C youth teams of the Panthers Indersdorf from the 2023/2024 season.

Our aim is to create the best conditions for sporting success for the young players with new equipment. We want to actively promote handball as a sport with our commitment and make an important contribution to the development of young talent.

munciHMotorsport e. V.

Since the season 22/23, Softing Automotive has sponsored the Formula Student racing team municHMotorsport e.V. from the Munich University of Applied Sciences and supports the racing team in vehicle and software engineering.
With over 40 years of experience in automotive electronics, we are pleased to support municHMotorsport in the following areas:

  • Parameterization of ECUs
  • Optimization of the Scrum Method
  • Residual Bus Simulation
  • Test Automation

Contact us

Do you have any questions or are you interested in working with us? Please contact us. 
We are pleased about your interest!

Be part of our TEAM

Take the chance to grow with us!

An open exchange with students is particularly important to us. Through our wide range of internships, working student positions or the opportunity to write a thesis in cooperation with us, we are regularly in direct contact with students from a wide range of disciplines. We are particularly proud of this intensive dialogue and would like to provide tomorrow's skilled workers with the expertise they need for a successful future.

At Softing, you can expect innovative and exciting projects that you can actively shape. 

Discover our job opportunities and become part of our team. 

We are also looking forward to meeting YOU!




Interns, working students and graduates in the areas of:

  • Software development
  • Hardware development
  • Product Management
  • Marketing & Sales