
Category: Events (AE)

Meet us at the Automotive Testing Expo Europe 2022

Meet Softing at the Automotive Testing Expo Europe 2022

At this year's Automotive Testing Expo Europe on June 21-23, 2022, our Softing Automotive expert team will present numerous innovations in diagnostics, testing, connected car, parallel remote diagnostics and test systems & equipment.

Visit us at the 15th Conference on Diagnostics in Dresden, Germany

Visit Softing at the 15th Diagnostics Conference 2022

Softing Automotive welcomes you again this year to the Diagnostics Conference in Dresden. On May 17 and 18, you will learn everything about diagnostics in mechatronic vehicle systems. Among others, Claudio Amato, Product Manager at Softing Automitive, will present the innovations in parallel remote access on Tuesday, May 17.

Invitation to the Softing Automotive Convention | May 24-25, 2022

Einladung zur virtuellen Softing Automotive Convention | 24.-25. Mai 2022

We are pleased to invite you to the next virtual "Softing Automotive Convention" on May 24 and 25, 2022. In our virtual showroom, you will have the opportunity to experience our software solutions and exhibits easily in your office or from home. In addition you can expect various live demos and presentations.

Join our presentation "The Future of OBD" at the On-Board Diagnostics Digital Summit 2022

Join the SAE On-Board Diagnostics Digital Summit | March 15-17, 2022

Join the SAE On-Board Diagnostics Digital Summit | March 15-17, 2022. On the OBD Digital Summit 2022, Peter Subke, Business Development Manager at Softing Automotive, gives an insight on "The Future of OBD: Enhanced On-Board Diagnostic System with Remote Access".

GlobalmatiX Telematics Solution for xTCU Telematics Interface – the New Dimension for the Fleet Management of the Future

Telematic Interface xTCU by Globalmatix

Shared mobility is one of the major trends of future mobility, particularly in urban regions. Large fleet operators, such as rental car and car sharing companies, also see enormous growth potential in this area. However, an essential prerequisite for this is continual, precise knowledge not only of the location of every individual vehicle, but also of that vehicle’s overall technical condition. The medium-term goal of stationless and contactless fleet management needs new real-time diagnostics and reporting technologies for each vehicle in use. With around 255,000 rental and car sharing vehicles in Germany, “Car to Cloud to Company” will be a critical technology when it comes to efficient and inexpensive fleet deployment. This is why GlobalmatiX AG, a subsidiary of Softing AG, Munich/Haar, has developed an innovative telematics solution, which, with the help of artificial intelligence, offers the greatest amount of available data and transfer security on the market.

Invitation to the Softing Automotive Convention | October 20-21, 2021

Invitation to the Virtual “Softing Automotive Convention” | October 20-21, 2021

We are pleased to invite you to the next virtual "Softing Automotive Convention" on October 20 and 21, 2021. In our virtual showroom, you will have the opportunity to experience our software solutions and exhibits easily in your office or from home. In addition you can expect various live demos and presentations.

Discover Our Trainings for Your Professional Education!

Automotive Training & Seminar Program by Softing

We have put our knowledge and long years of experience into a compact and modular training program for you. This comprises practice-oriented user workshops as well as in-depth theoretical seminars which we offer in both English and German. We would be happy to tailor the content of our training sessions to suit your individual requirements.

Invitation to the Virtual Softing Automotive Convention | May 5-6, 2021

Invitation to the Virtual “Softing Automotive Convention” | May 5-6, 2021

Invitation to the Virtual Softing Automotive Convention on May 5-6, 2021 | Due to the severe restriction of personal contact options since last year, we had to completely rethink events and customer appointments. With a creative digitalization concept based on current technology, we have created a virtual space that offers us the ideal event location. It allows our customers and partners to experience software solutions and exhibits in the office or at home.

SAVE THE DATE – 14th Conference on Diagnostics

Softing Automotive at the 14th Conference on Diagnostics 2020 in Dresden

The 14th Conference on Diagnostics in Mechatronic Vehicle Systems will take place on 18th and 19th May, 2021. This year the topics will again focus on current challenges and new technologies concerning test and diagnostics in E/E-Systems in motor vehicles in combination with an interconnected infrastructure, new assistance functionalities, remote diagnostics as well as the compliance of legal requirements and standards.

SAVE THE DATE – Softing Diagnostic Convention 2020

SAVE THE DATE – Softing Diagnostic Convention 2020

On October 12, 2020, we are opening the doors of our virtual showroom for the very first time. This way we will have no trouble in bringing technical presentations as well as our solutions and exhibits to your office or home. We would be very pleased to be able to welcome you to our first event on virtual ground, the Softing Diagnostic Convention 2020!
