
Test the Tester – Regression Testing Made Simple

Modern vehicles are characterized by a large number of variants, which are usually manifested by software configurations in combination with different shoring states. Different engine configurations, for example, are generated both by different engines and by coding. The number of variants also increases over the runtime, as new software states with modified behavior enter the field.

Both processes are reflected in diagnostic testers because the test routines have to be adapted. However, it is necessary to support all variants in the tester as they are in operation at the customer. Consequently, it must be ensured that the existing functionality in the tester has not been compromised by new implementations - regression testing is essential here. The crux of this is that in practice it is hardly possible to keep all vehicle variants in all software variants in stock for testing. 

The solution is a diagnostic simulation in which the simulation information is stored in files. Softing TCS provides such a simulation as a combination of software and hardware - i.e. with real communication. The simulation files can be loaded and started in the simulation device as part of the automation of the "tester test" in the program sequence. It is also possible to change communication parameters via the interface and thus verify the correct behavior of the tester. Such simulation files are stored centrally and require little memory. The easiest way to create them in the case of a regression test is to record a communication trace and simultaneously release a new variant in the tester. The trace can be converted into a simulation at the push of a button and is then available for regression tests. Manual processing is also possible for special cases.

You have questions about Softing TCS or would you like a quote for your use case? Please contact us at info.automotive[at]softing[dot]com or via the contact form.

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