We are pleased to be able to inform you that a new version of our “Diagnostic Tool Set” is now available. Version 9.03 of the diagnostic tester Softing DTS.monaco contains lots of new features that will make your work even simpler. Thanks to the integration of a new connect plug-in (dynamic VCI handling), both the integration and configuration of a VCI are now more convenient than before – regardless of whether the VCI is local or remote.
The new SD controls are without doubt the highlight of the new version. They make it possible for many use cases in remote diagnostic support to be performed remotely – from home or work – on distant diagnostic objects. These include, for example:
Multitest capability is also a new feature in the DTS family. A separate plug-in now makes it possible to test up to eight vehicles simultaneously. A smart VCI is needed for this purpose. The gain in efficiency is significant. Fewer employees can read out information more quickly, the test carriers can be used again more quickly!
The new version 9.03 is now available.
Contact us: info.automotive[at]softing[dot]com We are looking forward to it!