
Join our presentation "OBD goes ODX" at the SAE OBD Symposium-Americas 2022

On Thursday September 15 Peter Subke, Business Development Manager at Softing Automotive, will give a presentation on "OBD goes ODX: Architecture of the ODX database for MVCI-based OBD Scantools" at the SAE International On-Board Diagnostics Symposium (September 13-15, 2022). We are looking forward to seeing you at the presentation and to your visit at booth #3. 

Presentation "OBD goes ODX: Architecture of the ODX database for MVCI-based OBD Scantools" | September 15, 2022, 1:30 p.m. 

The XML-based data format ODX (Open Diagnostic Data Exchange) is standardized in ISO 22901 and used for the machine-readable and executable description of diagnostic protocols. OBD Scantools that process ODX data are based on the MVCI technologty as it is standardized in ISO 22900. Peter´s presentation starts with a short introduction to ODX and MVCI. It focuses on how the OBD communication protocols SAE J1979, SAE J1939 (HD OBD), ISO 27145 (WWH-OBD), and SAE J1979-2 (OBD on UDS) are mapped to the ODX architecture.

Further Information on the SAE International On-Board Diagnostics Symposium | September 13-15, 2022 | Garden Groove, CA and On-Demand

For more than 30 years, the SAE International On-Board Diagnostics Symposium gives you access to trusted information on the latest regulatory happenings and critical industry topics. The event will be held in-person, allowing attendees to reconnect with forward-thinking engineers, executives, OEMs, suppliers, regulators, and government to address the ongoing need for technical and regulatory updates. This event is your opportunity to get answers to your most challenging OBD questions. The knowledge gained here will keep you up to speed with the latest regulations and how to work towards them. The important conversations had here potentially impact future standards and regulations.

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