
All blog posts in 2019 Page 3

SAVE THE DATE – Automotive Testing Expo Europe 2019

Visit Softing at Automotive Testing Expo 2019

Meet us at Automotive Testing Expo Europe, May 21-23, 2019 in Stuttgart, Germany. Come and see our entire product and service portfolio for yourself. It ranges from hardware and software products through customized solutions to mobile app solutions and engineering services.

SAVE THE DATE – 13th Conference on Diagnostics 2019

Softing Automotive at the 13th Conference on Diagnostics 2019

The 13th Conference on Diagnostics in Mechatronic Vehicle Systems will take place on 7th and 8th May, 2019. This year the topics will again focus on current challenges and new technologies concerning test and diagnostics in E/E-Systems in motor vehicles in combination with an interconnected infrastructure, new assistance functionalities, remote diagnostics as well as the compliance of legal requirements and standards.

Discover our new Product Catalog!

Softing Automotive Product Catalog, No. 6, 2019, Products & Solutions

In our product catalog we provide you with an up-to-date overview of the Softing Automotive range. With our core areas of expertise, diagnostics, measurement and testing, we provide customized solutions for automotive electronics.

Race-proven Telematics by Globalmatix

Race-proven telematics by Globalmatix

Connect the Unconnected to get in-vehicle data from road to cloud - On the racetrack at the Nürburgring Softing Member Globalmatix proves its solution xTCU. Installed in a Porsche GT4 CS of the racing team ESBA Racing, the xTCU transmitted real-time vehicle data from the inside of the car during the long-distance championship to be analyzed in the box.

Automotive Trainings – Basics of Vehicle Diagnostics

Basic understanding of diagnostics for road vehicles – Ideal basis for a full introduction to the world of vehicle diagnostics. Comprehensive introduction to the most important topics of data communication such as bus systems, diagnostic protocols, architecture of test systems and applications.
