
All blog posts in July 2019

Literature Recommendation: Diagnostic Communication with Road-Vehicles and Non-Road Mobile Machinery

Book Title: Diagnostic Communication with Road-Vehicles and Non-Road Mobile Machinery, Author: Peter Subke, Publisher: SAE International

The book "Diagnostic Communication with Road-Vehicles and Non-Road Mobile Machinery" is all about standardized diagnostic communication between a diagnostic tester and E/E systems of road-vehicles and non-road mobile machinery such as agricultural machines and construction equipment.

Testing and Debugging the establishing of tester ECU communication with Softing DTS.monaco

Softing DTS.monaco Use Case: Testing and Debugging the establishing of tester ECU communication

Regardless of the integration level of software and ECUs, com­munication problems along the OSI communication layers result in specific challenges for diagnostic experts. These problems are critical for the remaining life cycle of the vehicle because, for example, in manufacturing, this behavior can lead to delays in or an entire absence of vehicle programming.
