
Tag: VCI Page 2

GlobalmatiX and Gemalto go full speed with high performance IoT Automotive Telematics

GlobalmatiX and Gemalto go full speed with high performance IoT Automotive Telematics

Munich/ Amsterdam, December 13, 2018 – To meet growing demand for secure, high performance IoT telematics solutions, Gemalto and GlobalmatiX, a fully owned subsidiary of Softing AG, have teamed up to deliver an innovative solution. The Gemalto Cinterion LTE Cat. 1 IoT Module and a Gemalto eSIM deliveres a secure, reliable wireless connectivity for the GlobalmatiX Telematics Control Unit (xTCU) enabling continuous monitoring, communications and remote predictive maintenance. The solution is available immediately to global OEMs.

Increasing skills with specialist training!

For our customers, we have converted our expertise and long-term experience into a compact, modular range of training programs which is divided into practice-oriented user workshops and in-depth theoretical training seminars.

DIAGNOSTICS 4.0 by Softing – Order free info poster!

Remote-Diagnostics becomes “Diagnostics 4.0“ – With more than 100 ECUs in the vehicle, pressure is increasing to ensure more efficient diagnostics of these ECUs. In parallel to this development, the dependence on ECU functions in many instances today makes reliable statements in diagnostics increasingly difficult – which means that the quality of diagnostics overall must increase. The answer to these challenges are called remote diagnostics and cloud diagnostics.

Highly Integrated Solution for Diagnostic and Bus Communication

Techday Kratzer Automation 2018

Kratzer Automation sent out an invitation to attend the company’s motto day on electromobility that took place on January 25, 2018. Softing presented a high-performance solution for bus communication on the road. The real-time-capable middleware combines both diagnostic as well as measurement and test tasks.
