
Tag: testing Page 3

Test Systems for Simulating Any Conceivable Test Scenario

Test Systems for Simulating Any Conceivable Test Scenario

Modern vehicles contain extensive hardware and software functionality that has to be checked, verified and safeguarded from all sides. This task is particularly challenging because it takes a longtime during vehicle engineering before these components are installed in a real vehicle and can thus be tested in a real environment. With individual function and hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) test systems, any conceivable test scenario can be covered and easily simulated in the laboratory without risking real vehicles or endangering the lives of test drivers.

Invitation to the Softing Automotive Convention | May 24-25, 2022

Einladung zur virtuellen Softing Automotive Convention | 24.-25. Mai 2022

We are pleased to invite you to the next virtual "Softing Automotive Convention" on May 24 and 25, 2022. In our virtual showroom, you will have the opportunity to experience our software solutions and exhibits easily in your office or from home. In addition you can expect various live demos and presentations.

High-Voltage Test Adapters – The Solution for Safe Testing of HV Components

Special test adapters for safe testing of high-voltage components on the HiL tester

If high-voltage components or subsystems of electric and hybrid vehicles are to be tested, HV components must be constructed so that they are safe to touch and all queries to be measured or influenced must be fed to the test system galvanically isolated from the high voltage. Softing realizes special test adapters for HV control units, in other words for Battery Management Controllers (BMC) as well as for Cell Supervision Electronics (CSE).

Passive Cell Simulation for ECU Tests without Real Cells

Passive Cell Simulation by Softing

Passive cell simulations are used to avoid being permanently dependent on real batteries or very complex and expensive active cell simulations during the development of Cell Supervision Electronics (CSE). These simulate the complete cell stack in a balanced state of charge, the individual cell controllers detect suitably charged cells and thus a fully functional battery system.

How Customers Benefit from International Standards

How Customers Benefit from International Standards

How Customers Benefit from International Standards – The use of standards in the Automotive sector generates significant efficiency gains. Tests can start earlier due to the unambiguousness of data descriptions, ECUs become less expensive due to standardized buses and protocols and the use of uniform runtime environments saves rework and maintenance costs.

Invitation to the Softing Automotive Convention | October 20-21, 2021

Invitation to the Virtual “Softing Automotive Convention” | October 20-21, 2021

We are pleased to invite you to the next virtual "Softing Automotive Convention" on October 20 and 21, 2021. In our virtual showroom, you will have the opportunity to experience our software solutions and exhibits easily in your office or from home. In addition you can expect various live demos and presentations.

Caution: High Voltage!

Softing HV-Equipment

Nowadays, the development of vehicle components and their integration into the vehicle are hardly conceivable without high-voltage technology. The demands made on the electronic testing and verification systems used for this purpose are extremely high and diverse – particularly in the case of electric and hybrid vehicles. Here, safe measurement, testing, verification and application in the high-voltage range are just as important as knowing how to handle complex ECUs or use transparent and reproducible test procedures. Ideally, the tests and checks run automatically with processes and test results recorded accordingly for the necessary proof and certification. This also requires suitable simulations and HV-compatible accessories.

Efficient Fault Simulation – Automated, documented short-circuit and open load tests of ECU on-board diagnostics

Efficient Fault Simulation by Softing

In daily operation, ECUs in the vehicle are exposed to a wide range of environmental influences, such as vibrations, strongly fluctuating ambient temperatures and high humidity. The components must therefore be able to handle all conceivable faults. For the test, these faults are simulated on the ECU pin and the respective behavior and diagnostic entry documented. Typically, such fault simulations are used for function tests during development, for testing, release and validation of ECUs and components, as well as for integration validation during HiL testing or at the Functional Mock-Up (FMU).

Mastering Test Complexitiy with Individual Test Systems by Softing

Test Systems by Softing

It is a long journey from the start of engineering to the installation of all vehicle components and ECUs in the production vehicle. Comprehensive testing of the electronic components during the entire engineering process is essential. This is the only way to thoroughly safeguard and optimize hardware and software functions. Errors can be detected and remedied quickly – the earlier the better.
