
Tag: ECU

Testing and Debugging the establishing of tester ECU communication with Softing DTS.monaco

Softing DTS.monaco Use Case: Testing and Debugging the establishing of tester ECU communication

Regardless of the integration level of software and ECUs, com­munication problems along the OSI communication layers result in specific challenges for diagnostic experts. These problems are critical for the remaining life cycle of the vehicle because, for example, in manufacturing, this behavior can lead to delays in or an entire absence of vehicle programming.

Softing DTS 9 – The New Generation of the All-in-One Engineering Tester

Softing DTS 9 – The New Generation of the All-in-One Engineering Tester

As the complexity of E / E architectures and the ever-decreasing product cycles in vehicle development increases, the challenges facing the tool and process landscape of both OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers are increasing. We as Softing Automotive understand the challenges of our customers and will continue to offer a reliable and application-optimized expert diagnostic solution - the Diagnostic Tool Set (DTS) in a new generation 9.

Integrated Diagnosis for SOTA

Integrated Diagnosis for SOTA

Softing published an technical article "Integrated Diagnosis for SOTA" about the advantages of using a lean diagnostic runtime system on a high-performance vehicle interface: Vehicles of the future will require complex vehicle diagnostics. To satisfy these requirements, Softing now offers a new VCI generation as well as an easy-to-use software component which can be implemented universally for running diagnostic tasks. The combination of the two products covers new use cases and offers users particular benefits.

Automotive Trainings – Basics of Vehicle Diagnostics

Basic understanding of diagnostics for road vehicles – Ideal basis for a full introduction to the world of vehicle diagnostics. Comprehensive introduction to the most important topics of data communication such as bus systems, diagnostic protocols, architecture of test systems and applications.

INTERVIEW – Product Manager Christian Weiner @ IQPC Berlin 2018

Merging environment of on-board and off-board vehicle diagnostics, the role within Functional Safety ISO26262 and current challenges for OEMs and suppliers implementing new remote, connected and secure. Christian Weiner, Product Manager Diagnostics and Remote Services, provides insights in his presentation at the annual IQPC Automotive Diagnostic Conference Berlin 2018.
