
Non-Identical Twins: Repair Shop Diagnostics and Authorization Management

Diagnostic concept for After-Sales Tester

There are tens of thousands of individual repair shop testers in the field today. On top of that, they are deployed all over the world by different users with different requirements and authorizations. Improper handling can lead to serious damage. This multi-user scenario can only be mastered with an appropriate allocation of tester functions and central administration. Integrated authorization management fits into the core processes and, furthermore, offers additional security.

In our technical article "Non-Identical Twins: Repair Shop Diagnostics and Authorization Management", written by Julian Erber (Product Manager at Softing Automotive), we show you that a functioning and easily maintainable authorization management is an absolute prerequisite for a complete after-sales solution.

Main Topics in the technical article "Non-Identical Twins: Repair Shop Diagnostics and Authorization Management"

  • Roles as the Key to Central Authorization Management
  • Managing authorizations with Softing TDX
  • Editing user roles with TDX.admin
  • Conclusion


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