A typical diagnostic system is made up of several components: The comprehensive test application runs on a PC and is connected to the vehicle via a hardware interface (VCI) by cable or wirelessly. However, in applications where frequent vehicle changes or recurring test and flash processes are required, this system can often be too complex, unwieldy and costly. In addition, extensive expertise is required to ensure correct diagnostics and avoid damage to the software, hardware or vehicle.
The VIN|ING 2000 PDX is a simplified solution. It has an integrated diagnostic runtime system so that ECU programming can be carried out quickly and easily directly on the vehicle - without the use of additional test software. The compact VCI is simply connected to the OBD socket and the pre-programmed sequence starts at the touch of a button. Freely configurable RGB LEDs indicate the status, for example a green light when the update is successful. This means that updates can be prepared by experts and carried out safely by semi-skilled employees without in-depth diagnostic knowledge.
When driving, the device is also able to read out the fault memory ‘on the fly’ and check the vehicle status. Predefined tests and OTX-based scripts ensure a reliable process, and the results can then be downloaded and further processed via a PC application.
In einer Welt, in der sich die Fahrzeugelektronik insbesondere über Software ständig weiterentwickelt, stehen Ingenieure und Techniker immer wieder vor neuen Herausforderungen. Ed und Ted, zwei Experten auf den Gebieten Diagnose und Testen, stellen sich den anspruchsvollen Aufgaben über den gesamten Fahrzeuglebenszyklus.
Begleiten Sie die beiden auf ihrer Reise durch die Welt der Fahrzeugelektronik und entdecken Sie zusammen mit ihnen neue Wege zur Steigerung der Effizienz und Qualität in Entwicklung, Produktion und Service.