
SOTA via DoIP – Remote Diagnostics and Measurement Data

Diagnostics over Internet Protocol (DoIP) is increasingly finding its way into modern vehicle architectures. The Ethernet-based communication protocol is a prerequisite for highly efficient vehicle access by the diverse range of applications in vehicle diagnostics and measurement data recording.

An example of this is the software solution CAR ASYST APP for accessing Audi vehicle data. Software Over The Air (SOTA) is becoming increasingly important for software updates for ECUs over a remote connection. As data communication primarily takes place in one direction here, a diagnostic system based on standards can be separated below the D-PDU API. Programming uses the MVCI D-Server and OTX Runtime. Once the DoIP protocol is started on the workstation, communication to the vehicle takes place via a Vehicle Communication Interface (VCI).

Local mobile application cases can be covered by converting from WLAN to Ethernet the VCI. Alternatively, a Wide Area Network (WAN) can be set up with access via hotspots and GSM. End-to-end encryption is possible thanks to security methods well established in IT.

More information on SOTA and vehicle access via VIN|ING 600 (VCI – WLAN/DoIP)
