
Category: Tips & Tricks

Visualizing measurement and actuator interaction with Softing DTS.monaco

Softing DTS.monaco: visualizing measurements

The visually meaningful representation of measurement parameters and their thresholds is necessary particularly at the test bench and in vehicle validation. Softing DTS.monaco helps visualize various states regardless of whether a NOx sensor has to fulfill its values within a certain time or if it has to be indicated that pressure or temperature has reached a threshold value.

ECU Quicktest – Identfying and testing errors with documentation with Softing DTS.monaco

Softing DTS.monaco: Identifing and testing errors with documentation

The identification of a test unit as well as the reading out of the error memory are activities which are repeated throughout the product life cycle. Regardless of whether HiL, test bench or vehicle – the versions as well as any error memory entries which might occur must be acquired and documented in every test sequence.

Literature Recommendation: Diagnostic Communication with Road-Vehicles and Non-Road Mobile Machinery

Book Title: Diagnostic Communication with Road-Vehicles and Non-Road Mobile Machinery, Author: Peter Subke, Publisher: SAE International

The book "Diagnostic Communication with Road-Vehicles and Non-Road Mobile Machinery" is all about standardized diagnostic communication between a diagnostic tester and E/E systems of road-vehicles and non-road mobile machinery such as agricultural machines and construction equipment.

Testing and Debugging the establishing of tester ECU communication with Softing DTS.monaco

Softing DTS.monaco Use Case: Testing and Debugging the establishing of tester ECU communication

Regardless of the integration level of software and ECUs, com­munication problems along the OSI communication layers result in specific challenges for diagnostic experts. These problems are critical for the remaining life cycle of the vehicle because, for example, in manufacturing, this behavior can lead to delays in or an entire absence of vehicle programming.

Automotive Trainings – Basics of Vehicle Diagnostics

Basic understanding of diagnostics for road vehicles – Ideal basis for a full introduction to the world of vehicle diagnostics. Comprehensive introduction to the most important topics of data communication such as bus systems, diagnostic protocols, architecture of test systems and applications.

Increasing skills with specialist training!

For our customers, we have converted our expertise and long-term experience into a compact, modular range of training programs which is divided into practice-oriented user workshops and in-depth theoretical training seminars.

DIAGNOSTICS 4.0 by Softing – Order free info poster!

Remote-Diagnostics becomes “Diagnostics 4.0“ – With more than 100 ECUs in the vehicle, pressure is increasing to ensure more efficient diagnostics of these ECUs. In parallel to this development, the dependence on ECU functions in many instances today makes reliable statements in diagnostics increasingly difficult – which means that the quality of diagnostics overall must increase. The answer to these challenges are called remote diagnostics and cloud diagnostics.
